Wednesday, May 22, 2013


What really sucks is when you talk about something you like, and you get so passionate about it, and then someone has to come along and just take the piss out of everything you've just said. Are people aware that you can disagree with someone or have differing interests from them without making fun of them? That is actually a thing. It's called, like.... "being a good person" or something..? Yeah. Weird.

So, this is just a friendly reminder that you don't need anyone else's approval to like the things you like. You don't have to justify your favourite books, movies, musicians, etc. to anyone. And if someone tries to make you feel bad about your interest well then they can just fuck off.

On another note, I just got my parcel from thinkgeek and I am way too excited to not say anything about it.
So, there.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I absolutely detest people who say that those who use curse words have an insufficient vocabulary. (Personally, my vocabulary is quite extensive.)

This is without prevarication the most absurd, senseless, inane, sophomoric, cretinous statement that I have ever heard. And, I am fucking offended by your vacuous attempts to undermine my intelligence with such imbecilic assertions.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Things I hate

I hate dim people; people who aren't passionate about anything in particular. I hate hats. I hate shoes. I hate people who change their voices when they get excited. I hate static on clothes. I hate abstract art. I hate when the sun shines too brightly. I hate getting caught in storms... but I kind of love storms themselves. I hate small talk. I hate being sad. I hate reality television. I hate when people leave.


I hate not knowing what to say.

Things I like

I like water caught in a spiders web. I like people who don't smile, ever. And I like people who smile. I like wearing all of my clothes at once. I like the sound of dripping taps and coffee pots.

I like books, and I like people who like books. I like rain. I like writing and  I like telling people things and I like talking for hours on end and I like being alone in silence.

... I like nice ink pens. I like old journals.
I like old things. Old things seems sadder, somehow. Like there was a history there. A whole world of people and emotions connected to an object. And when the people die, the thing is left there alone.... sad. I like sad things. I like happy things, but sad things always seem deeper. Happiness wouldn't mean much without sadness. The existence of mushrooms in no way makes chocolate taste better, yet I think we may not appreciate chocolate without enduring mushrooms.... so to speak.....

I like this.